EZAIA Strategic Plan 2024

May 08, 2024

From the Board

EZAIA was established in 1999 to provide a credible and professional voice for members of the Eastern Zone abalone fishery to preserve and maintain the strong environmental stewardship of the resource.

The fishery was founded in the late 1960’s and many of these pioneers still hold quota licences and continue to protect the sustainability of the resource for the third generation of fishers now emerging.

We are proud of our heritage, fishing practices and decision making to ensure that the abalone fishery will endure for generations to come.

We love our industry and the marine environment that supports it. We are proud custodians and proud of its heritage, and we want to see it sustained for future generations as a viable wild catch abalone fishery our purpose

Australian Abalone Abares Forecast 2023

Australian Wild Caught
  • Australia accounts for 35% of wild-caught abalone production and is the world’s largest exporter of wild-caught abalone product, which attracts a premium in the export market.
  • The global wildcaught amount harvested was 2,309t.
  • EZ quota is 12.3% of the global production
Market Changes
  • Exports of Australia’s abalone to China were impacted at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and wild caught abalone destined to the live market was canned and held in Australian storage facilities.
  • Producers have since explored diversified new markets such as Vietnam, Canada and the Middle East (Austrade 2023).
  • In 2022-23 the GVP of abalone is forecast to increase by 13% to $150 million, and then fall by 0.7% annually between 2023-24 and 2027-28.

ABARES Australian Fisheries & Aquaculture Outlook 2023, Abalone key points.

Australian Abalone Abares Forecast 2023

  • Be a strong advocacy voice and trusted ‘go to organisation’ Inform, consult, involve and collaborate with key stakeholders
  • Support mental health and safety initiatives
  • Be responsive to members needs
  • Ensure EZAIA has a voice on key platforms/forums/networks /renewable energy/decommissioning working groups
  • Meet with senior VFA managers regularly
  • Encourage “sea safe” or “mental health” initiatives be deployed in the Eastern zone
  • Respond to all member enquiries
  • EZAIA is included in all areas that have the potential to impact the fishery
  • Build rapport with VFA managers
  • Healthy and safe workforce
  • Membership base is maintained

Be part of our


The next time you are looking for unique seafood taste experience why not try some beautiful wild-caught abalone. Each one has been hand-harvested by an experienced diver from the depths of the cold pristine waters in one of the Mallacoota reef areas of the Tasman Sea.
Cooking abalone is not as difficult as you might think.