The expansion and overpopulation of the native longspined Sea Urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii poses a significant threat to the Great Southern Reef (GSR), impacting marine biodiversity including key species such as abalone, rock lobster and kelp. A unified national approach, backed by critical investment and coordinated management strategies, is essential to address the challenge posed by longspined sea urchin.
The Centro Task Force, consisting of key national stakeholders, proposes a national investment of $55 million over five years to implement research, monitoring, removal, and management strategies aimed at protecting and rehabilitating marine habitats affected by longspined sea urchin.
- Reef Monitoring and Modelling ($6 Million):
- In-Water Urchin Control and Rehabilitation Strategies ($30 Million):
- Industry Support for Commercial Harvests and Processing ($8 Million):
- First Nations Support for Management of Sea Country ($2.5 Million):
- Research and Development ($4 Million)
- Community Engagement and Communication ($2 Million):
- National Management Planning and Policy Development ($2.5 Million):
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